(Govt.Regd.No: BK IV 48/2015)

Application For Admission


Christ Church Theological College requires all of the following items be completed prior to submitting this application for admission.

1. Applicant must be at least 16 years of age.

2. Attach tow Photographs of applicant.

3. Attach to completed Personal Recommendation forms.

4. Attach to completed Pastor' s Recommendation forms.

5. Attach additional paper for areas requiring more information.

6. Attach an official high school transcript.

7. Attach non - refundable ₹ 3,000/- Application Admission Fee.

NOTE: ( * ) This Mark Shown Fileds are Mandatory. Please Fill Carefully
First Name *
Middle Name
Last Name *
Upload Passport Size Photo * Upload Image of size 480x480,540x540, 640x640 and size below 600kb
Upload Aadhar Document * Upload Image of size below 600kb
Email *
Contact Number *
S/o. D/o. W/o. *
Address *
Mandal *
District *
State *
Pincode *
Aadhar Number *
Gender *
Marital Status *
Nationality Status *
Community ( Caste ) *
Place Of Birth *
Education Qualfication *
Denomination *
Name of The Church *
Date of Baptism *
Pastor Name *
Program Applying For *
Identification marks *
Explain why you desire to attend Christ Church Theological College *